The Philip & Lucinda Vaudeville Show

"wwww" "Critics Pick"
Saskatoon Star Phoenix
"60 delightful minutes of kazoo-driven acrobatics and vaudeville-style comedy"
Winnipeg Free Press
“Philip & Lucinda turn oddity into an art form”
Saskatoon Starphoenix
The award winning comedy duo Philip & Lucinda bring Vaudeville to life with their delightfully off-kilter style.
In this high energy show full of wonder and laughs, Philip and Lucinda share their take on traditional and not-so-traditional vaudeville acts.
The audience will experience Music! Dance! Magic! Kazoo! Acrobatics! Magical-Acrobatic-Kazoo! All paired with a kickin' soundtrack.
Winnipeg Free Press has called Philip and Lucinda, “Charming, engaging and gravity resistant.” Put aside the dark chaos of everyday life and laugh with Philip and Lucinda.
Zita Nyarady: Co-creator/Lucinda
Myque Franz: Co-creator /Philip
Vanita Butrsingkorn: Director